Attorney News

Becoming A Policy Advocate – How To Make Your Voice Heard On Laws That Affect You

How To Make Your Voice Heard On Laws That Affect You

How To Make Your Voice Heard On Laws That Affect You Each of us at some time in our lives has become outraged when hearing of a new bill being introduced by our legislator(s). Even worse and because of that bill, we hear that a new law has been enacted and will become effective in the near future. How the heck did that happen we might ask? I didn’t even know that kind of law was up for consideration you might think. It seems sometimes that all of a sudden we’re to abide by this new law whether we like it...

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Financial Transactions Lawyer Advice

Financial Transactions Lawyer Advice

[OPINION] Pay Attention to the Financial Transactions Advice from your Lawyer Any transaction involving an exchange of money for products and/or services should be properly documents. For purchases of small items, you normally get an official receipt or a docket from the vendor once you hand over your payment. For larger more expensive items such as furniture, equipment, appliances, the process will involve more documentation. In exchange for your hard-earned cash, the seller will not only hand over the receipt, but a warranty card to protect you against factory defects as well. Bigger purchases that can be considered investments, such as...

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Can I Sue For A Violation of My Civil Rights?

Can I Sue For A Violation of My Civil Rights?

Can I Sue For A Violation of My Civil Rights? Civil rights are the fundamental guarantees that protect every citizen from discrimination and uphold the principles of equality and justice within society. These rights are enshrined in various statutes, including the Civil Rights Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and others. When these rights are infringed upon, it may not only cause personal harm but also contravene the very foundations of democratic ethos. This guide aims to elucidate the circumstances under which an individual can seek redress through litigation for civil rights violations, presented with an academic rigor yet with a...

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